Blue Water Task Force Program
The Blue Water Task Force is Surfrider South Vancouver Island’s volunteer-run water testing education and advocacy program. The goals of the program is to promote environmental stewardship in our community and ensure safe and healthy access to coastal habitats for generations to come.
Why test the water?
Southern Vancouver Island has many local recreational beaches and waterways that are enjoyed by thousands of people during the summer and winter months. Our local health authority (VIHA) samples these waters throughout the summer, but stops during the fall and winter. Surfrider SVI is working to fill in these sampling gaps, as well as double-checking summer results, while engaging the public, our members, youth, and First Nations.
Where and what do we test for?
We sample from more than 15 different recreational beaches and waterways, three of which are fresh water streams, and are testing for Enterococcus (marine). We choose the sampling locations for each sampling event by considering our previous results and those of our local water quality authority.
Please be advised after heavy rains, it is recommended that people not go into the ocean for at least 24-48 hours because of all the polluted storm water runoff that flows from our streets into the ocean.
Water Quality Test Results
View our data collected dating back to 2015 at various beaches all over southern Vancouver Island.
Swim Guide Website
Swim Guide is a website that helps you easily find your closest beaches, know at a glance which ones are safe for swimming, and share your love of beaches with friends and family.
December 2018 – Blue Water Task Force expands its reach by teaming up with Swim Guide
Summer of 2015 – First water sample collected from Cordova Bay Beach
If you would like to get involved and help us test our local waters, please contact BWTF@vancouverisland.surfrider.org.
Project Leads
Lynn Wharram & James Roorda - Blue Water Task Force