• Chair - Nicole Pointon

    Originally from Toronto, Nicole has been drawn back to the West Coast over and over throughout her adult life. Her love for the ocean is deep, and she and her family spend much of their free time near or in the water. She’s honoured to volunteer as Surfrider South Vancouver Island Chair in 2025, and is excited to connect with a passionate, diverse, and growing community dedicated to the protection of oceans, beaches, and waves.

  • Vice Chair - Maddie Cole

    Originally from Missoula, Montana, Maddie spent most of her adult life in London, UK before moving to Vancouver Island in 2024. She is excited to enjoy and protect the coastlines around the beautiful Salish Sea with Surfrider. In her day job, she designs financing instruments for sustainable and resilient agriculture, but in her free time you can find her running, skiing, or open-water swimming.

  • Kelly Zaharko - Treasurer

    Kelly is an avid backcountry camper and outdoor enthusiast. Having moved to Vancouver Island almost 20 years ago, she has spent much of her summers exploring the Southern Gulf Islands via kayak, canoe, bike and on foot. Her happy place is on a secluded rocky beach with her husband and a large thermos of coffee. New to Surfrider, Kelly is excited to be a part of the efforts protecting our amazing coastline and marine ecosystems.

  • Volunteer Coordinator - Kailea Rendle

    Kailea grew up around the Coast Salish Sea and is incredibly grateful to know its beauty and the peace and healing within it. Nature in all of it’s forms has always been her happy place and where she feels most connected to herself and the world around her. Kailea holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queens Univeristy, and is using it to help further sustainable operational objectives and alternatives towards a healthier relationship between humans and nature. Her goal is for future generations to be able to enjoy nature’s power as much as she has.

  • Secretary - Phoebe Eaton

    Originally from the UK, Phoebe grew up sailing so the ocean holds a special place in her heart. Happiest out in nature, by the ocean or camping in the wilderness, she is energized by working to protect the environment we are lucky to call home. Having worked in brand sponsorship marketing for 10 years in London, helping brands to define their purpose and impact, Phoebe moved to Canada in 2023 in search of an adventure. 

    First getting involved with Surfrider in Tofino, Phoebe has joined the South Vancouver Island Chapter to continue her work supporting the organization. 

  • Events Coordinator

    This role is currently open! We are looking for a new events coordinator. Please get in touch if you'd like to learn more about the role.

  • Campaign Coordinator

    This position is currently open! We are looking for someone to lead our local advocacy efforts. If you’re interested in learning more about the role, please reach out!

Core Leadership Team

  • Blue Water Task Force Co-Lead – LYNN WHARRAM

    Lynn has been involved with Surfrider South Vancouver Island since 2013 in various capacities from beach cleanup coordinator to vice chair. She is passionate about the environment in all aspects from cleaning beaches to choosing to ride her bike. She believes the easiest way to protect the environment is to slow down and enjoy it.

  • Water Friendly Business Lead - Chris Adamache

    The ocean has always called to Chris and he's spent most of his life trying to be on, near or in it. Now living in Victoria, Chris can be found spending his time walking the local beaches with his family, paddle boarding, diving or surfing. Chris started at Surfrider as a co-beach coordinator but has now moved on to this new role as the lead for the Water Friendly Business program. Chris is energized by the ocean, so advocacy work to protect our ocean, beaches and coastlines aligns perfectly with his values

  • Blue Water Task Force Data Specialist - Clive Webber

    Clive is an avid user of the Salish Sea waters and can often be found swimming, kayaking, harvesting bull kelp and wandering the shoreline on the hunt for plastic scraps and styrofoam waste.

  • Dock the Debris & Chapter Advisor - ZOË MELANIE MINNAARD

    Zoë has been an active volunteer with Surfrider Vancouver Island since 2017. She was vice-chair and she worked on the Ban the Bag Campaign and various sponsorships & grants. She has been an Islander since 2014 and is originally from The Netherlands. Her work experience in research and project development with an academic background in Maritime Anthropology and Communication specialized in not-for-profit organizations, makes Zoë very knowledgeable about issues related to people and the sea and how to run not-for-profit organizations. She is passionate about inspiring people to step back and look again; to become aware of how we treat ourselves and our natural environment.

  • Beach Cleanup Co-Coordinator - Sophia Olim

    Sophia has been involved with the Surfrider Foundation since her mom bribed her with ice cream to join her at Sunday beach cleanups back in 2010. She fell in love with Surfrider while growing up in San Diego California, and quickly joined Vancouver Island's groups when she moved to Victoria for university in 2018. She completed her BSc with Honours in Earth Science and Environmental Studies in 2023 at UVic, specializing in climate change mitigation research. She is passionate about combining data driven research with scientific outreach and policy work. During her time at UVic Sophia was heavily involved with the Surfrider Foundation UVic club in roles ranging from Club Chair to managing the social media sites. She is always down for a chat about how beach cleanups actually do make a long term difference to protecting the environment, loves to travel as much as she can, and can often be found out in the wilderness exploring the beautiful nature of British Columbia.

  • Beach Cleanup Co-Coordinator - Merel Vissers

    Merel was born and raised in Belgium and immigrated to Canada with her parents as a baby. She completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism Management at Thompson Rivers University and was lucky to have the opportunity to study abroad in The Netherlands during her degree, where she focused on sustainability in the tourism industry. Merel moved to Victoria in early 2023 and quickly developed a deep love for the ocean. Merel loves spending time in nature and does a lot of hiking. Being able to explore the coastlines of Vancouver Island has been a dream come true. Her favourite season is summer, and the way to her heart is through chocolate!

  • Beach Cleanup Data Lead - Kashike Umemura

    Kashike (Kash) was born on Quadra Island, B.C. and grew up being surrounded by the ocean and nature. His family often took him out fishing on the ocean, rivers, and lakes during the summer and fall, growing his passion in aquatic life and the activities around them. While attending UVic, he came across Surfrider's Foundation club, where his friend Sophia invited him for a beach cleanup. Since then, Kash has consistently attended beach cleanups organized by the club. After graduating with a B.Sc. in Mathematics, he found himself attending the beach cleanups organized by the South Vancouver Island chapter, where he was convinced by Sophia to join the chapter as a volunteer. Kash is excited to contribute to the community through the chapter while spending more time outdoors. He can often be found spending time on beaches, climbing indoors, looking for new locations to go fly fishing in, or wondering if there are any fish in the body of water he just found.

  • Plastic Pellet Research – DAVID BOUDINOT

    David has been involved with Surfrider since 2016 when he found plastic pellets (nurdles) at a Willows Beach Cleanup. He has been tracking plastic pellets ever since and worked with colleagues at the University of Victoria to create a map of where they are washing up on the shores of the Salish Sea. He is currently researching the plastics industry and documenting how pellets are made, transported, and spilled around the world.

    David holds Master of Library and Information Studies and likes to research environmental topics and collaborate with others on big projects. Outside of research and Surfrider volunteering, he enjoys camping, picking up trash on beaches, and hiking.

  • Hold on to Your Butt Coordinator

    This position is currently open! We are looking for a new Hold on to Your Butt coordinator. Get in touch if you’d like to know more about the role.

Surfrider South Vancouver Island

Our Volunteer Crew