Surfrider and West Coast Surfing Associates Speak Out Against Vandalism at Jordan River
The beloved surf spots at Jordan River have seen an increasing number of visitors and surfers in recent years. With growing crowds, it is imperative to educate surfers and other beach and ocean users to help keep our beaches safe, clean and enjoyable for all.
With support from the Capital Regional District (CRD), BC Hydro, Hartwig Industries and the Pacheedaht First Nation, Surfrider South Vancouver Island and the West Coast Surfing Associates developed and installed four informative signs in Jordan River in 2016 to educate visitors and surfers about surf etiquette and leave no trace principles. These signs were collaboratively developed as an educational resource for the surf community and park visitors.
A new sign installed in the Spring of 2023
Jordan River has a variety of surf spots that cater to different skill levels. Thorough knowledge of surf etiquette is therefore essential to the safety of all surfers and ocean users. As a result, the signs have been a tool to help newer surfers and visitors understand and adhere to the accepted rules of surfing at Jordan River. The signs were installed at Sewers, beside the campground area, at the Point day use area, and along Highway 14 close to Puni’s and Rockpiles. “These signs provide valuable information about etiquette and skill level for surfers, information that is difficult to know if you have never visited the area before” says Lucas Harris, Executive Director of Surfrider Foundation Canada.
Unfortunately, the signs have been the target of several acts of vandalism over the past few years. In 2017, shortly after installation, the sign at the Point was removed; in 2020, the sign along Highway 14 was defaced.
The sign along Highway 14 after being vandalized in 2020
Recently, in the spring of 2023, Surfrider South Vancouver Island and the West Coast Surfing Associates worked with the CRD to replace the missing sign at the Point and the damaged sign along the highway. However, in November 2023, three of the signs were removed and stolen, leaving only the sign at the campsite.
The signs at Sewers, the Point and along Highway 14, removed and stolen.
Surfrider South Vancouver Island and the West Coast Surfing Associates condemn these ongoing acts of vandalism. They waste valuable financial resources and time, are counteractive to surf safety, and detract from the energy invested in creating a positive and respectful experience for all surfers and beach users that visit Jordan River.
If you have any information about these acts of vandalism, please contact Surfrider (, the Sooke RCMP (File #: SK-23-4915) or you can report directly to the CRD using their website:
If you are care about this and other issues that affect Jordan River and want to get involved in work aimed at enhancing the beach and surf experience in the area, contact Volunteer Coordinator (